
Audiovizuální průmysl

Rudolf Leška, Sync That Tune! The Role of Collective Management of Rights in Film Production and Distribution. In P. Szczepanik, P. Zahrádka, J. Macek a P. Stepan (eds.), Digital Peripheries: The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective. Berlin: Springer, 2020, 273-290.

Petr Szczepanik, Screen Industries in East-Central Europe. London: Bloomsbury, 2021.

Petr Szczepanik, Pavel Zahrádka, Jakub Macek, Introduction: Theorizing Digital Peripheries. In P. Szczepanik, P. Zahrádka, J. Macek a P. Stepan (eds.), Digital Peripheries: The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective. Berlin: Springer, 2020, 1-31.

Petr Szczepanik, Channels and barriers of cross-border online circulation: Central and Eastern Europe as a digital periphery. In: P. Szczepanik, P. Zahrádka, J. Macek a P. Stepan (eds.), Digital Peripheries: The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective. Cham: Springer, 2020, 159-80.

Petr Szczepanik, "Dear Netflix...": Informal Local Intermediaries on the Periphery of the Global VOD Market. Journal of Popular Television 8, 2020, č. 3, 321-326.

Pavel Zahrádka, Petr Szczepanik, The White Elephant in the Room: Implications of the Digital Single Market Strategy for Film and Television Distribution in the Czech Republic. In Mira T. Sundara Rajan (ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property in Central and Eastern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 2019, 238-58.

Pavel Zahrádka, Petr Szczepanik, Jednotný digitální trh jako hrozba, nebo příležitost? Rekonstrukce postojů českých distributorů ke strategii pro vytvoření jednotného digitálního trhu v EvropěIluminace 30/3 (2018), 23-48.

Petr Szczepanik, Localize or Die: Intermediaries in a small East-Central European on-demand market. Cinéma&Cie. International Film Studies Journal 17, 2017, č. 29, 33-49.

Pavel Zahrádka, The Czech and Slovak Audiovisual Market as a Laboratory Experiment for the Digital Single Market in Europe. In P. Szczepanik, P. Zahrádka, J. Macek a P. Stepan (eds.), Digital Peripheries: The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective. Berlin: Springer, 2020, 101-120.

Jan Hanzlík - Ewa Mazierska, Eastern European film festivals: streaming through the covid-19 pandemic. Studies in Eastern European Cinema 13, 2022. č. 1, s. 33-55.

Jan Hanzlík, Constantin Parvulescu, The Peripheralization of East-Central European Film Cultures on VOD Platforms. Iluminace 33, 2021, č. 2, s. 5-25.

Jan Hanzlík, Czech film policy after 1989: Between neoliberal and national mercantilist discourse. Studia politica 20, 2020, č. 3, s. 55-73.

Jan Hanzlík, Limiting the unlimited: curation in Czech film distribution in the digital era. Studies in Eastern European Cinema 11, 2020, č. 3, s. 262-278.

Jan Hanzlík, Constantin Parvulescu, Beyond postsocialist and small: recent film production practices and state support for cinema in Czechia and Romania. Studies in European Cinema 17, 2020, March 3 (online).

Jan Hanzlík, Eventization and Targeting in Czech Theatrical Distribution after 1989. Iluminace 29, 2017, č. 3, s. 49-64.

Jan Hanzlík, 'I always get to see a film no matter what': a discourse on multiplexing in post-socialist Czechia. Studies in Eastern European cinema 8, 2017, č. 3, s. 283-300.

Jan Hanzlík, Chapter 16: The Exhibition of popular cinema in the Czech republic and Slovakia After 1989 within the context of the European Union. In Dorota Ostrowska, Francesco Pitasio, Zsuzsanna Varga (eds.), Popular Cinemas in East Central Europe. Londýn: I. B. Tauris, 2017, s. 282-301.

Autorské právo a kulturní průmysly

Rudolf Leška, From Marx to Google: Redefining the Role of Moral Rights in Czechia. Oxford Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 14, 2019, č. 4, 331-337.

Rudolf Leška, Kateřina Štechová, Moral Rights - Czech Republic and Slovakia, In Gillian Davies, Kevin M. Garnett. Moral Rights. London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters, 2016. 367-412

Rudolf Leška, Presumption of Authorship under the Berne Convention and its Application in the Online Environment, In Ysolde Gendreau. Copyright in Action: International Perspectives on Remedies. Montreal: Les Éditions Thémis, 2019. 307-318

Radim Polčák, Pavel Koukal, Rudolf Leška, Matěj Myška et al. Autorský zákon. Praha: Leges, 2020.

Radim Polčák, Territoriality of Copyright Law. In Petr Szczepanik & others (eds.), Digital Peripheries: The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective. Berlin: Springer, 2020, 65-80.

Pavel Zahrádka, Ontologie díla v autorském zákoně České republikyFilosofický časopis 5/65 (2017): 739-761.

Ivan David, Filmové právo: Autorskoprávní perspektiva. Praha: Nová Beseda, 2015. 

Etika nových médií

Pavel Zahrádka, We Are Sorry This Video Is Not Available in Your Country: An Ethical Analysis of Geo-blocking Audio-visual Online Content. Journal of Media Ethics, 12. 12. 2021. DOI: 10.1080/23736992.2021.2014850

Pavel Zahrádka, Geo-blocking: Protection of Author's Rights, of Cultural Diversity, or of an Outdated Business Model? Annual Review of Law and Ethics 26 (2018): 191-208.

Pavel Zahrádka, Etika kopírování kulturních obsahů: Kvalitativní studie internetového pirátství v České republiceIluminace 3/28 (2016): 5-27.

Hudební průmysl

Rudolf Leška, Performers' Rights: A Central European Export. In Mira T. Sundara Rajan. Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property in Central and Eastern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 222-237.

Rudolf Leška, Globalization of Collective Rights Management and the Role of National CMOs. In Tatiana Eleni Synodinou. Pluralism or Universalism in International Copyright Law. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2019. s. 95-114.

Kulturní kritika

Pavel Zahrádka, Johana Kotišová, Když je kritikem každý: Výzkum sémantiky estetického hodnocení. Olomouc: VUP, 2020.

Pavel Zahrádka, Research on the Normativity of Aesthetic Judgments in Film CriticismJournal of Aesthetics & Culture 1/12 (2020).

Johana Kotišová, An Elixir of Life? Emotional Labour in Cultural JournalismJournalism (2020): 1-17.

Pavel Zahrádka, Profesionální versus fanouškovská kulturní kritika: Kvalitativní výzkum sémantiky a normativity hodnocení filmových děl. Iluminace 1/31 (2019): 5-23.

Pavel Zahrádka, Heteronomie estetické hodnoty: Sociologická kritika filozofické estetiky Brno: Host, 2015.

Mediální publika

Jakub Macek, Uses Genres and Media Ensembles: A Conceptual Roadmap for Research of Convergent Audiences. In Petr Szczepanik & others (eds.), Digital Peripheries: The Online Circulation of Audiovisual Content from the Small Market Perspective. Berlin: Springer, 2020, 245-258.

Jakub Macek, Pavel Zahrádka, Online Piracy and the Transformation of the Audiences Practices: The Case of the Czech Republic. In Darren H. Hick a Reinold Schmücker (eds), The Ethics and Aesthetics of Copying. London: Bloomsbury, 2016, 335-58.

Trh práce a pracovní proces

Daniela Pauknerová, Zuzana Chytková, Jan Hanzlík, Looking Beyond the Family Nest: Self-Sufficiency of Young Adults and Intergenerational Transmission of Values and Resources in Czech Republic. In Jale Tosun, Daniela Pauknerová, Bernhard Kittel (eds.), Intergenerational Transmission and Economic Self-Sufficiency. Camden: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, s. 355-376.

Screen Industries in Central and Eastern Europe Research Group, KREAS, Voršilská 1, Praha, 110 00, +420 608 250 728
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